Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation

On October 25, 2022, on a narrow 4-2-1 vote, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the City rededicate the Measure E site as parkland. Measure E proponents had not been consulted, and no other City commission had been asked to consider the potential value of the site for an environmental facility.

The fact that the Parks and Recreation Commission was almost evenly split says a lot. The one abstention was essentially a no vote; certainly not a yes vote. Only four out of seven Commissioners voted to recommend the Measure E site be rededicated as parkland.

The meeting minutes make it clear that there is much more for the City to consider. Even some Commissioners who voted in favor of rededication had reservations. Here are a few snippets:

  1. Starting with the most comprehensive thinker on the Commission:
  2. Council should take into consideration other issues besides parkland:
  3. Council has not received a technology update in years.
  4. Staff needs more resources to do the necessary work:
  5. Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission deliberation and vote can be found here (scroll down to page 6). View the video here (scroll down to 5. Park Dedication).